Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Some Long Overdue Updates ...!

Hello, 6th Grade! I apologize for not posting in a while ... it's been a crazy few weeks of training, snow, and assessments.

In ELA, we are finally presenting our biography projects! Everyone worked hard on their research and put a lot of effort into their presentations. The presentations have been excellent so far and I have no doubt the others will be great, too. Check out some pictures of us practicing with partners below.

Next week (Feb. 11), we will finally get back to a normal workshop. Reading groups, choice boards, WTW practice, and more. Many groups will be starting non-fiction and others are working on point of view. I am excited to get back to this routine!

Finally, our "Shelf"ie is growing so fast! Keep up the wonderful reading!

Question: What are three things you have learned as a result of our biography presentations? Email me to win!

P.S.: Stay tuned for a Box Tops update .......!