Sunday, February 17, 2019

PAWS Meeting and Camp Read S'More!

It's been another crazy week at North Hills ...! Thanks to the snow, we started our week with two Cyber Snow Days and a two-hour delay on Wednesday. On Friday, we had an early dismissal, too! I am looking forward to a normal week!

On Friday, we had our PAWS Meeting. At this meeting, we learned that we have read 51% of our book goal of almost 20,000 books! We only have a few months left to reach this goal ... the more books we read, the more teachers that get sent to camp! So far, only one teacher from our team (Miss Kahl) has been sent to camp. Will any other teachers from our hallway be sent to camp??? I know 6th grade is hoping for Mr. W and I to BOTH be sent to camp ...! Keep reading books to find out!

Four new campers were revealed at our PAWS Meeting on Friday!

Our activity at the PAWS Meeting was to READ!! It was great to watch all of North Hills (teachers AND students) enjoying some quiet reading time.

This Week's Question: I've been challenged by Mrs. Kessel to post pictures of my favorite books .... What is your favorite book?? Why? Email me for a prize!