Sunday, November 11, 2018

This Week in ELA!

Our week started off with two days of rain and cold. So, how do we make that better? We decided to list our favorite rainy day activities! We also projected a fireplace to our screen to make it feel a little cozier.

In ELA, we practiced some more grammar skills to prepare for our final narrative. We will be writing our last narrative of the year from now until Thanksgiving Break. When we get back, come prepared to write informational pieces!

On Friday, we had our November PAWS Meeting. At this meeting, we learned about the North Hills Little Free Library, congratulated our Academic Excellence winners for October, and played Limbo! Congratulations to Nash, Cole, and Lexi for winning the October Academic Excellence award!

The week ahead will be a busy one. On Monday, you all have off! On Tuesday, I will not be here, so you will have a substitute. When the substitute is here, you will be practicing using figurative language and imagery in your writing. I can't wait to see what you come up with! On Wednesday, we finally go to Biztown!! This was one of my favorite field trips when I was in school and I cannot wait to go with you all on Wednesday.

This Week's Question: What part of Biztown are you most excited about?