Saturday, December 1, 2018

New Writing!

We started a new kind of writing in ELA this week ... informational! Our first piece will be a how-to writing. At the beginning of the week, we looked at some examples and then came up with our expert lists. From these lists, we picked our favorite idea to use as our topic for the how-to essay. There are a lot of great ideas from baking, to building snow forts, to fishing!

In Workshop, we are continuing to work through story elements (plot and/or character). It continues to be a wonderful experience to participate in this reading community. One group has started a book club and I am looking forward to starting more book clubs soon.

There is a lot of great reading happening in our class ... stay tuned for another "Shelf"ie update soon! I am excited for our next Day 6 (Monday) when we will have time to relax and enjoy good books before sharing our reading on Whooo's Reading.

Question of the Week: What is one important thing to consider/include when writing a how-to essay?