Saturday, October 20, 2018

Pronoun Practice, A "Shelf"ie Update, and More!

This week in ELA we focused a lot on practicing our grammar skills. We studied pronouns, homophones, and subject/verb agreement. To practice pronouns, we split into two groups: pronouns and antecedents. Once we were split, we had to find our match. To practice homophones, we broke into teams to complete a homophone challenge. (Psst ... check out this week's question: it's another homophone challenge!) It was such a nice week, we decided to go out to the courtyard to practice some of these skills!

This week in ELA come prepared with creative ideas to write some spooky Halloween stories! We will also be having our WTW quizzes on Monday.

Our "Shelf"ie is doing spectacular! We have now filled our second shelf and are on our way to filling up our third one - more books are already waiting to be added! It will be so fun to read all your book reviews on Whooo's Reading later this week. Keep up the great work everyone!

Did I mention we WON the Box Tops Race?! We had our donut party on Friday and it was delightful!

This Week's Question: Complete the homophone challenge and send me an email by Monday morning to win a treat! Spelling counts!
The baker thought the dough _____ to be _____ more.