In ELA, we are working hard to complete the final units of the semester. One group is doing a book study together and a few other groups are nearing the finish line, too. These groups will be completing a non-fiction study for the last few weeks. In Writing, we only have two units left: Figurative Language and Poetry. We are excited to explore these types of writing.
On Friday morning, we had a school-wide PAWS meeting. At this meeting, Mrs. Zimmerman gave us a Camp Read S'More update: we have completed 67% of our reading goal we set close to the beginning of the year. We only have three weeks left to reach 100% and send Mr. Youcheff to camp ... so keep reading! With this update, three more teachers were sent to camp, two from our Vertical Team. Mrs. Hummel and I have been sent to Camp...!! We also played a game at our PAWS meeting: pass the "Earth" safely through the line. This was a great game of teamwork!