We Had a Full Week ... (almost)!
Read Across America Week was great! To make it even better, we had a completely normal, five-day week (except for a two-hour delay on Friday). It was so nice to get back into some routine and be back with our Workshop groups!
For Read Across America Week, we celebrated all the wonderful stories Dr. Seuss brought us. We played Dr. Seuss trivia, read some of our favorite stories, and even tried some reader's theater versions of his stories. Our favorite was trying to read through Fox in Socks ... our tongues got very twisted, but it was a great time!
In groups, we are all starting (or continuing) non-fiction. This has been an exciting time and we are learning a lot ... not just about good reading strategies, but content, too! In writing, we started talking about argumentative writing. We have been discussing thesis statements and supporting arguments. Soon students will be writing their own argumentative essays!
With more snow in the forecast (only 17 more days until Spring! ... But who's counting . . .?), we'll see how normal this next week is...!
This Week's Question: What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? Why? Email me by Monday to win!